Stopping The Privatization Of A Public Right
Published Mar 2, 2021

Water is a human right — corporations have no business managing public utilities.
Corporate Control of Water Systems
Water corporations, like Veolia or Suez, are seeking to profit off of managing local systems that provide our drinking water and sewer services. Wall Street investors are working with these companies to take advantage of cash-strapped local governments and entice them into selling or leasing off their water assets.
But this is a recipe for disaster. Profits should not be the priority when it comes to providing water services to people, but that’s exactly what happens when private companies take over local systems.
Using Our Tax Dollars to Support Public Water Systems
Rather than letting corporations exploit our water problems for profit, we believe our federal government should provide the support our water systems need so that everyone in the United States can have access to locally-managed, affordable, safe and clean drinking water service.
On a per capita basis, federal funding has declined 82% since its peak. In 1977, the federal government spent $76.27 per person (in 2014 dollars) on our water services, but by 2014 that support had fallen to $13.68 per person.
That’s why we support the Water Affordability, Transparency, Equity and Reliability (WATER) Act.
This legislation will provide a long-term, comprehensive solution to bridge the current water-funding gap by taxing offshore corporate profits in the year they are generated. If passed, the WATER Act will secure a significant portion of what we need to protect our drinking water and create up to 945,000 jobs. With many systems advancing in age (some more than 100 years old), we need this funding more than ever. We must renew our commitment to public water, and make sure everyone has access to affordable water service.
We must manage our water as a common resource, not a profit center, and we must provide tap water as public service, not a business.
The WATER Act is the key to a future where safe water is available to all of us. Sign on to show your support!
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